Prestige Club of Nigeria held its March meeting today, March 10th, 2024, at the residence of Hon. Alex Amudo. Highlights of the meeting include:
- Review of Club’s Constitution: Various areas were discussed and concluded upon. Some matters were deferred to the next meeting in April.
- Expression of Gratitude: Prestigian Titus Afi thanked the club for the support he received during his father’s burial. However, only Prestigian Adeleye was able to attend the burial.
- Announcement: Prestigian Adeleye informed the club that he would not be able to host the club in April due to family obligations to formally bury his mother at their country home in Obokun, Ijesha, despite her initial burial in Lagos.
- Non-Attendance of Social Functions: Members who could not attend the ceremonies of Prestigians Adeleye, Afi, and Ola Johnson are required to pay their spraying fee of ₦2000 each at the next meeting.
Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was moved by Prestigian Ola Johnson. Closing Prayer: Offered by Prestigian Titus Afi. Next Host: The secretary will inform members once finalized.
The host graciously entertained the club.